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Industrial isooctane

It is colorless transparent liquid; relative density: 0.6919; melting point: -107.4℃; boiling point: 99.3℃; refractive index: (n20D)1.39157; flashing point: -12℃
Used as alkylate oil, it has features of no arene, high octane number, fine sensitiveness and low vapor pressure.

It is transparent liquid with main component of C4~C12 aliphatic hydrocarbon and cyclic hydrocarbon. It is divided into 93#, 93# and 97#. It has high octane number and excellent anti-detonating quality. Used on high compression ratio vaporizer type gasoline engine, it can improve engine power and reduce consumption of fuel.

Gasoline is widely used light weight petroleum product. It is important fuel of engine. In addition, it can be used to dissolve greasy dirt. And it can be used as extraction agent.

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